Join the 19th Annual Taoist Gathering on October 23, 2022 by ZOOM or IN PERSON

This year’s theme is “Metamorphosis”.

Hosted by Zhi Doa Guan with Dr. Alex Feng and Dr. Charlene Ossler, our themes have been: Invitation to Come Down from the Mountains (2004), Student (2005), Teacher (2006), Seeker of the Path (2007), Renewal (2008), Being and Becoming (2009), You Are What You Practice (2010), Immortality (2011), Deities of the Dao, (2012), Daoist Alchemy (2013), Daoist Feng Shui of the Self (2014), Nature as Healer, Nature as Teacher (2015), Macrocosmic Orbit, Microcosmic Orbit (2016), Integrating the Ancient Wisdom of Daoism into Modern Life (2017), Perspectives of the Dao (2018),  Mysticism of the Dao (2019),  Jian Connectivity of the Dao (2020). and Resilience (2021)

“The Formless Way – We look at it, and do not see it; it is invisible.
We listen to it, and do not hear it; it is inaudible.
We touch it, and do not feel it; it is intangible.
These three elude our inquiries, and hence merge into one.

Not by its rising, is it bright,
nor by its sinking, is it dark.
Infinite and eternal, it cannot be defined.
It returns to nothingness.
This is the form of the formless, being in non-being. It is nebulous and elusive.

Meet it, and you do not see its beginning.
Follow it, and you do not see its end.
Stay with the ancient Way
in order to master what is present.
Knowing the primeval beginning is the essence of the Way.” ― Tao Te Ching – Translated by S. Beck

This Gathering will focus on techniques/practices to recognize the need for CHANGE, how to manage it and your reaction to change, and to adapt to change in healthy ways.

 An invitation from Dr. Alex Feng –Come  learn with us how to joyously greet Change and through the Dao! optimize our ability to metamorphize!!!

19th Annual Taoist Gathering hosted by Zhi Dao Guan, The Taoist Center
Sunday, October 23, 2022 by ZOOM or In PERSON

19th Taoist Gathering   AGENDA

October 23, 2022 via ZOOM and In Person

Pacific time zone

  8:20 AM – Room opens – chat function available

8:20- 8:35 AM  Opening Music  Dr. Cheryl Schwartz and Bill Crossman  

8:35 AM    Opening: Introductions, Overview  

Dr. Charlene Ossler RN, PhD   Vice President,  Zhi Dao Guan,   The  Taoist Center

The Theme “Metamorphosis    Dr. Alex Feng, LAc, PhD, OMD  Founder, Zhi Dao Guan, The Taoist Center

9:00-9:45 AM  Metamorphosis: Inherent in the Dao, Essential for Social Transformation      Rev. Dorsey Odell Blake PG Dip, PhD  

9:45-10:30   “We walk the land and the land walks us”     Dr. Alex Boyd, PG Dip, PhD  

 10:30-10:45            Break

 10:45-11:30    Metamorphosis: A Shape Without a Name        Dr.  Steve Jackowicz MAc, LAc, PhD 

11:30-12:00   Stories to Sound – How a Taoist story can grow into music        Will  Crawford Bmus (Hons), ATCL

12:00-12:30 Break  lunch

12:30-1:15    Metamorphosis of Thinking and Dao       Dr. Hirsh Diamant, PhD

1:15-2:00  Zhuangi’s Butterfly Story and the Practice of Transformation in Daoist Practice     Solala Towler

2:00-2:45 Aging and the Spiritual Warrior  Ted Cibik, Ph.D., DMQ (China), ND (Traditional)  Zhong Yi   中醫 89th Generation Chinese Physician, Executive Director of Inner Strength, Inc.

2:45-3:00 Break                                                                                              

3:00-3:40  The Use of Dreams in Metamorphosis  Cecilia Engelhart

3:40-4:20 Metamorphosis-The Myth    Ryan Reynolds

4:20-4:45  Centre’  of Indigenous Arts Blessing from Sahn Nicole Hill

Closure with Meditation: The Chant of the Three Chakras   Dr. Alex Feng, LAc, PhD, OMD