Taoism: the self that moves in harmony with or transcendence of differences, yin/yang

There was something undifferentiated and yet complete, which existed before Heaven and Earth. Soundless and formless, it depends on nothing and does not change. It operates everywhere and is free from danger. It may be considered the mother of the universe. I do not know its name; I call it Tao.

— Lao Tzu

Dr. Alex Feng was ordained as a Taoist Priest through his family’s long Daoist lineage of Daoist scholars, teachers, and philosophers. From early childhood, he studied, literally, at the feet of Great Grand Master Wei Ren Feng, a highly respected scholar and philosopher – listening for as long as 7 hours at a time to his teachings. Through the Great GrandMaster, Dr. Alex Feng was introduced and mentored by leading Chinese philosophers, martial arts teachers, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, and Daoists.

With this foundation, Dr. Feng imbued his martial arts practice and teaching and his medical practice with deep Daoist philosophy. In 1999, he felt called to expand his Daoist teaching and he offered a New Year’s Eve Daoist Meditation. From that grew the Last Friday Night of the Month Study of the Dao with Dr. Alex Feng.

Dr. Feng rented space for these special classes until Zhi Dao Guan, The Taoist Center was purchased and renovated to house the temple, martial arts studio and medical practice. Zhi Dao Guan continues the Last Friday Night of the Month Study of the Dao with Dr. Alex Feng and  hosts the annual Taoist Gathering, a weekend of immersion in Daoist study.

Dr. Feng is sought out for his Daoist teachings and interpretations of Daoist texts; he provides rituals and ceremonies for weddings, life celebrations, baby blessings, and feng shui analysis and blessings.