
Chen Style Tai Ji is considered by many to be the parent form of the five main Tai Ji Quan styles. Like all other Tai Ji systems, there are three major components to Chen Style Tai Ji: spiritual, health and martial art. Chen Style is unique in that it is a combination of hard and soft, fast and slow movements.

Dr. Alex Feng received training in Chen Style from Professor Pei Kun Wang, named one of the ten Best Martial Artists by the Chinese Government and former Head of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Martial Arts Department.

Professor Zen Mei Ying was another influential teacher; she is also a Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Physical Education. Other mentors include Professor Li En Jiu from Shang Dong Institute of Physical Education and Master Chen Xiao Wang, named the 19th generation lineage holder of the Chen Family Style by China.

In addition, Dr. Feng was influenced by numerous Tai Ji national champions in China who directed his knowledge of the Chen style forms, applications and push hands: Mr.Xie Ye Lei, six time national champion of push hands in Chen tai ji, and Mr. Chen Ping, a teacher at the Chen family site of original development of Chen tai ji in China.

This instructional DVD is targeted to those students who have had exposure to Tai Ji training, preferably Chen Style.